От Mysportbike,15.06.2024
- 173 просмотра
#мотоцикл #motorcycle #bike #honda #suzuki #kawasaki #yamaha Всем привет дорогие друзья,на моем канале было уже много интересных мотоциклов с различными видами двигателей,среди которых попадались и совсем необычные.В сегодняшнем выпуске я решил собрать для вас самые нестандартные силовые установки,которые удивили мотоциклетный мир.Как и положено начнем мы с интересных ,а закончим просто сумасшедшими по задумке и сложности конструкции ,двигателями.Причем вы увидите не только заводские шедевры ,но и кастомные ,за которыми стоят настоящие гаражные чудотворцы!Начать я хочу с легендарной модель от Honda CBX 1000,которая появилась в продаже в 1978г и наделала много шуму.По сути конструкция здесь ,особенно для величайших инженеров этого мото-гиганта,простейшая.Они к рядной четверке просто добавили два лишних цилиндра,а за-то какой произвели эффект?Мотоцикл естественно сразу же привлекал внимание при появлении на дороге,да что тут говорить он легко сделает это и сейчас.Торчащий по бокам могучий шестицилиндровый 1047 кубовый двигатель воздушного охлаждения имел два распредвала и 24 клапана.Он выдавала 105 л.с. на и 86 Нм крутящего момента .За питание отвечали 6 28мм карбюраторов Keihin.При снаряженной массе в 272 кг ,разгон от 0 до 100 занимает 4.5 с. ,максимальная скорость 220 км/ч.Средний заявленный расход топлива 6 л. на 100 км ,бак вмещает 20 литров топлива.CBX 1000 покинул конвейер в 1982.
Hello dear friends, there have already been many interesting motorcycles with different types of engines on my channel, among which there were quite unusual ones.In today's issue, I decided to collect for you the most non-standard power plants that surprised the motorcycle world.As it should be, we will start with interesting ones, and finish with engines that are just crazy in terms of design and complexity.Moreover, you will see not only factory masterpieces, but also custom ones, behind which there are real garage miracle workers!I want to start with the legendary model from Honda CBX 1000, which went on sale in 1978 and made a lot of noise.In fact, the design here, especially for the greatest engineers of this motorcycle giant, is the simplest.They just added two extra cylinders to the row four, but what effect did they have?The motorcycle naturally immediately attracted attention when it appeared on the road, but what can I say, it will easily do it now.Sticking out from the sides was a mighty six-cylinder 1047 cc air-cooled engine with two camshafts and 24 valves.It produced 105 hp. at and 86 Nm of torque .6 28mm Keihin carburettors were responsible for the power supply.With a curb weight of 272 kg, acceleration from 0 to 100 takes 4.5 seconds, the maximum speed is 220 km / h. The average declared fuel consumption is 6 liters per 100 km, the tank holds 20 liters of fuel.The CBX 1000 left the assembly line in 1982.
Hello dear friends, there have already been many interesting motorcycles with different types of engines on my channel, among which there were quite unusual ones.In today's issue, I decided to collect for you the most non-standard power plants that surprised the motorcycle world.As it should be, we will start with interesting ones, and finish with engines that are just crazy in terms of design and complexity.Moreover, you will see not only factory masterpieces, but also custom ones, behind which there are real garage miracle workers!I want to start with the legendary model from Honda CBX 1000, which went on sale in 1978 and made a lot of noise.In fact, the design here, especially for the greatest engineers of this motorcycle giant, is the simplest.They just added two extra cylinders to the row four, but what effect did they have?The motorcycle naturally immediately attracted attention when it appeared on the road, but what can I say, it will easily do it now.Sticking out from the sides was a mighty six-cylinder 1047 cc air-cooled engine with two camshafts and 24 valves.It produced 105 hp. at and 86 Nm of torque .6 28mm Keihin carburettors were responsible for the power supply.With a curb weight of 272 kg, acceleration from 0 to 100 takes 4.5 seconds, the maximum speed is 220 km / h. The average declared fuel consumption is 6 liters per 100 km, the tank holds 20 liters of fuel.The CBX 1000 left the assembly line in 1982.
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